

If you don’t know Storybook yet, please read the official documentation.

Under the hood

Storybook, as many modern JavaScript development tools, relies on Webpack to build the application. However, it is not currently possible to load Meteor packages using Webpack. See this discussion on GitHub for more insights.

To overcome this difficulty, we have created custom Webpack loaders that are able to load Vulcan packages, even if they are based on Meteor. Thanks to those Webpack loaders, we are able to import, build and display Vulcan components.

The Vulcan Starter provides a fully working example with multiple stories.


This feature is still experimental. We’d be glad to hear about your feedback on Slack or even receive your contributions on GitHub!


  • You application must be setup using a 2-repo install. This is a mandatory step because Webpack will load the Vulcan packages based on your local installation.
  • The default config will look for your Vulcan local installation based on environment variable.
    • If your install folder is named exactly “Vulcan”, setup your METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS as usual. Vulcan Loader will automatically detect your install.
    • If your Vulcan install folder have a specific name, setup a VULCAN_DIR environment variable to point to the root path of your Vulcan install.
  • You should be running on node v8.16.0
    • To install node, run nvm install 8.16.0 in your terminal


Install in an application based on Vulcan Starter

Good news, the current version of the Vulcan Starter already includes Storybook. You can jump to the setup section.

Install in an application not based on a recent version of Vulcan Starter

  • Copy-paste the .storybook and stories folder from Vulcan Starter in your app

  • Copy-paste .babelrc in your app if it does not exist already

  • Add “stories” and “storybook-static” to your .meteorignore file. This excludes stories from your application build.

    echo "stories" >> .meteorignore
    echo "storybook-static" >> .meteorignore
  • Enhance your package.json with a storybook script:

"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
"build-storybook": "build-storybook
  • Install the following packages:
# Install Storybook and relevant addons
npm i --save-dev @storybook/addon-actions
npm i --save-dev @storybook/addon-links
npm i --save-dev @storybook/addon-knobs
npm i --save-dev @storybook/addons
npm i --save-dev @storybook/react
npm i --save-dev @storybook/theming
npm i --save-dev storybook-addon-intl
npm i --save-dev storybook-react-router
npm i --save-dev css-loader

# Must explicitely install Webpack 4.28.4 because of
npm i --save-exact --save-dev webpack@4.28.4

# Necessary to support Dynamic Imports
npm i --save-dev @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import

# Load Vulcan packages from your local install
npm i --save-dev vulcan-loader

# Ditch other Meteor imports
npm i --save-dev scrap-meteor-loader


Just run this command:

npm run storybook

In case of error, please check that you followed the Prerequisites and Install steps correctly.


Add stories

Folder location

All stories must be located in the stories folder at the root of your application. As a default Storybook automatically finds stories based on filenames. However, you don’t want stories to be included in your Meteor build, so you have to put them in a clearly separated stories folder, and list this folder in your .meteorignore file. The Vulcan Starter provides examples of stories.

Components initalization

When importing a Vulcan package in a story, you may then need to manually trigger startup actions that Vulcan usually handles for you during Meteor startup. For example, the populateComponentsApp function must be called after a new package is imported, so that the <Components.XX /> is correctly defined in your stories based on registered components. You may find concrete examples in the Vulcan Starter and Vulcan core stories.

Load your packages

Our Webpack loaders, vulcan-loader and scrap-meteor-loader, are only here to handle Vulcan related packages.

For your own packages, you will need to write a custom loader similar to vulcan-loader. We provide a complete example in the file .storybook/loaders/starter-example-loader.js. You can see how this loader is used in .storybook/webpack.config.js file.

Note: As a default, vulcan-loader and our example loader expects the client side entry point to be your-vulcan-package/lib/client/main.js.

In order to be able to write a similar package loader for your application, we advise to define a strict naming convention for your package. This will allow to differentiate them from usual Meteor packages automatically. This is exactly what we do in Vulcan, with the vulcan: prefixing convetion. If your app is named “My App”, you can prefix all your packages with ma: or ma-. You can also write a simpler loader and list explicitly all your packages in it.


Since Meteor is not compatible with Webpack, we do not actually run the stories in a Meteor environment. Thus, global variables must be mocked.

We provide basic mocks for global variables like Meteor, Mongo or _ (underscore) in the .storybook/mocks folder. You can improve them if necessary.


Decorators are a way to wrap all your stories with a component. The main use case is loading your UI library and .css files. We provide two examples, with Bootstrap and Material UI. You can reuse or improve them based on your needs.


Meteor packages and Meteor itself are either mocked or simply removed. Thus, some components or packages may fail either at build time or runtime. Hopefully, this can be fixed by enhancing the mocks.

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